Onsite SEO is something that every website owner must take into consideration, if you want your website to rank high in search engine results pages (SERP's). There are many elements of onpage SEO, each of which must be applied with careful consideration if you want to achieve good results. In your effort to steadily climb higher than each competitor in search, it is imperative that you consider each ranking factor. Start with the ones that will give you the biggest gains in search first and work your way down the list based on potential search placement impact.
Search engine optimization encompasses many areas of a website, although most SEO professionals tend to focus on some more than others. HTTP status codes are a good example of an SEO element that most web developers & designers tend to overlook or simply don’t give it as much attention as it should.
Writing a great article for your website that gets across your key points, keeps the reader interested, and maximizes your online ranking is not always an easy task. But, as with most things in life, the devil is in the details. So planning how you are going to approach it is the key to success.
If you are an internet marketer, blogger or web site owner, search engine optimization must be a phrase that you`re familiar with. For starters, SEO strategies ensure that our content is identifiable to search engine spiders thus making it visible to users. Without SEO, it becomes difficult for a site`s pages to be discoverable in search engine queries. This just shows how fundamental SEO is and the fact that you have to get it right if you want your website to reach the masses. To rank high in search engines you need a perfect blend of great content, a good SEO strategy and a responsive, compliant website.
A lot goes into search engine optimization these days, due to the constant Google Algorithm updates. What may have been applicable a few years ago may be currently obsolete. Due to this, SEO strategists and developers need to take advantage of optimizing every potential ranking factor. When all things are created equal, site-wide image optimization may be the difference between ranking number 1 or number 2 on the first page.
AuthorMike Hodgdon- SEO & Digital Marketing Expert Consultant Categories
October 2023